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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] The Twelve
ScénarioStraczynski J. Michael
DessinWeston Chris
EncreurLeach Garry
CouleursChuckry Chris
CouvertureRivera Paolo
Date14 juillet 2008
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieThe Twelve, numéro 5
autres tomes... 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ...

Tensions rise and heroes come to blows as the time-lost Twelve from the Golden Age find their fundamental beliefs challenged in the world of the 21st Century. Plus; the Origin of the Witness—he’s seen what you’ve done!

Publication en VF:

dans Un siècle difficile (The Twelve #1)
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