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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] Embedded
ScénarioJenkins Paul
Date07 août 2006
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieCivil War : Frontline, numéro 1
autres tomes1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ...
Bullenote [détail]

- [Couverture], Watson John (D)
- Embedded, [Récit à Suivre - Début], Bachs Ramon (D), Lucas John (E), Martin Laura (C)
- The Accused, 1ère partie, [Récit à Suivre - Début], Lieber Steve (DE), Chung June (C)
- Civil War Correspondance, [Récit complet], Kobayashi Kei (DE), Strain Christina (C)
D : Dessin E : Encreur C : Couleurs

“Embedded” There’s a truth buried deep in the heart of every war, and reporters Sally Floyd and Ben Urich will be there, uncovering that truth in the midst of the biggest conflagration in the Marvel Universe! In the wake of the Stamford Disaster, the public cries out for Super Hero Registration. Are the costumed heroes of the Marvel Universe protectors or ticking time bombs? Find out here when Spider-Man has his say. And you won’t want to miss as one hero makes public a painful secret.
“Accused” The lone survivor of the team that caused the Stamford Tragedy has been found. But living through one of the worst superhuman disasters in history may be the worst thing that could happen, as this vilified hero is placed under arrest for the deaths of an entire town. Unfortunately, the trouble’s just beginning... Also, with the lives of Marvel’s heroes in turmoil what opportunities lie for their nemeses? Norman Osborn has a few ideas...
And, in “Civil War Correspondence,” see stories inspired by tales of war correspondence throughout history!

Publications en VF:

dans Au loin tonnent les canons (Marvel Icons #26)
The Accused dans Civil War (Civil War #1)
Embedded dans Civil War Extra (Civil War Extra #1)
Embedded dans Journal de Guerre (Civil War #4)
The Accused dans Journal de Guerre (Civil War #4)
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