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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas
ScénarioStraczynski J. Michael
DessinMcKone Mike
EncreurLanning Andy
CouleursMounts Paul
CouvertureMcKone Mike
Date21 février 2006
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieFantastic Four, numéro 533
autres tomes... 529 | 530 | 531 | 532 | 533 | 534 | 535 | 536 | 537 ...

When a doomsday weapon manufactured by Hydra turns up in the Nevada desert, there’s only one man the authorities can ask to go in and defuse it—Bruce Banner! What does all of this have to do with the FF, you ask? Well, who do you think has to deal with the fallout when it all goes terribly wrong...?

Publication en VF:

dans Feux d'artifice à Las Vegas (Marvel Icons #18)
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