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© DC (US)

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[VO] Sanctuary (3ème partie)
ScénarioBurnett Alan
DessinBenes Ed
EncreurBenes Mariah | Hope Sandra | Jose Ruy
CouleursPantazis Peter
CouvertureBenes Ed
Date19 mai 2008
EditeurDC (US)
SérieJustice League of America (v.II), numéro 19
autres tomes... 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 ...

Don't miss the final chapter of "Salvation," as the JLA turn themselves over to the U.S. government to be sent to prison off-world! What old foe will they have to rely on to save themselves from planet hell?

Publication en VF:

dans La main du destin (DC Universe #46)
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