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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] Heroic Preportions (2ème partie)
ScénarioDavid Peter
DessinScott Steve
EncreurCifuentes Vicente
CouleursDzioba Wes
CouvertureWilliams David | Strain Christina
Date25 avril 2009
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieShe-Hulk (v.II), numéro 38
autres tomes... 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38

She's been savage. She's been sensational. She's been an avenger. She's been a lawyer. She's been a bounty-hunter. But there's one thing She-Hulk has always been, in all of her many series... cancelled. But it hasn't stopped her yet! In this oversized final issue, Peter David brings his run on the Jade Giantess to a close... but can Jen use her last remaining pages to save her friends from a truly mammoth threat? Catch her now, before someone turns her red!

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