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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] Agnus Dei
ScénarioStraczynski J. Michael
DessinRibic Esad
EncreurRibic Esad
CouleursRibic Esad
Date22 octobre 2007
EditeurMarvel (US)
CollectionMarvel Knights
SérieSilver Surfer : Requiem, numéro 4
autres tomes1 | 2 | 3 | 4

The latest offering from the Marvel Knights line concludes!
For untold years, Norrin Radd surfed the galaxy, exploring the darkness between stars, witnessing the rise and fall of vast civilizations. Now his ride comes to an end. Zenn-La, the planet of his birth, the planet he saved through his own sacrifice -- the Silver Surfer crossed the galaxy to draw his last breath here. He’s home. What waits for him?

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dans Silver Surfer - Requiem
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