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© Marvel (US)

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[VO] Beta Ray Bill : Godhunter (2ème partie)
Date15 septembre 2009
EditeurMarvel (US)
SérieBeta Ray Bill : Godhunter, numéro 2
autres tomes1 | 2 | 3

- [Couverture], Zircher Patrick (D)
- Beta Ray Bill : Godhunter, 2ème partie, [Récit à suivre], Gillen Kieron (S), Kano (D), Lopez Alvaro (E), Rodriguez Javier (C)
A fool and his hammer... (Thor #338) [Récit complet], Simonson Walter (SDE), Roussos George (C)
D : Dessin S : Scénario E : Encreur C : Couleurs

Is Galactus...worried? Even…scared? Does he think the last of the Korbinite's unprecedented plan may succeed? That would explain why, on his approach to another idyllic world, the ever-hungry one sends his mightiest servant to stop Beta Ray Bill from interfering. But it'll take more than the Silver Surfer's Power Cosmic to make Bill turn back now...

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